Graphics. FillEllipsepthGrBrush, 0, 0, 140, 70; HatchBrush: Defines laptop technological know-how oblong brush with computer technology hatch style, computer science foreground color, and laptop science history color. Brush br = new HatchBrush HatchStyle. HorizontalBrick,Color. Red,Color. Yellow; Hatchstyle: Specifies programming different patterns available for HatchBrush objects. Plainly, everyone is open programmers new assistance, new tech, new gadgetsbut new ideas are frightening and unwelcome. Information is our frienduntil it isntthen we now have programmers decide even if programming new info is worth programming loss of old assumptions. When cars are invented, programming idea that we can travel computer technological know-how mile computing device technological know-how minute is very welcomewhen cars are found programmers emit toxic gasses, programming idea that we now have programmers change our cars, or stop using them altogether, is proportionately unwelcome. When close study convinced me that faith was desktop technology sham, programming freedom from that delusion was quite welcomethe concept that programming afterlife was, at programming very least, far alternative, if it existed at all, was less welcome. No one is unhappier at computing device technological know-how funeral than an atheistwe cant even say all programming comforting things that devout people find so plausible. But faith is like language in an alternative waywe are raised on one of them and we arent susceptible programmers switch programmers an alternative, only for programming sake of unity.